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Key Stage 3 and 4 NCEAP Curriculum Mapping Plan

As part of our outreach work, the TIDE Community is a member of the NCEAP (Climate Education Action Plan ( We contribute to actions 6 and 9 namely:

  • A national scheme of quality assurance of teaching resources for climate education should be developed.

  • A national, guiding framework for all educational providers that outlines compulsory climate education for all young people via schools and colleges should be developed and implemented.


The following documents were compiled with five other stakeholders  (ClimateSchoolsScience, Sustainability Physics for Schools, UCL, EngineeringUK).



This document is a mapping of Climate Science issues against mainly the Key Stage 3 curriculum for Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Physics.

It is arranged in four high level subjects which are then broken down into two further sublevels. A good hierarchical view can be seen using the Navigation Pane or the Outline view.

The subjects represent a compilation of what we have seen broadly presented on the issue of Global Warming and Climate change. The list is comprehensive.



This document is a mapping of Tackling Climate Change issues against mainly Key Stage 3* curriculum for Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Physics.

It is arranged in eleven high level subjects which are then broken down into two further sublevels. A good hierarchical view can be seen using the Navigation Pane or the Outline view.

The subjects represent a compilation of what we have seen broadly presented on the issue of tacking climate change by the reduction of carbon emissions. It is not focussed on mitigation measures of the effects of climate change, it is all about what subjects we consider needs to be taught to achieve Net Zero. The list is comprehensive.Anything in Green is good material to use to highlight green jobs.

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